Do you remember the early days of the internet when personal websites had guest books? If you visited a website, you can sign your name to let people know you were “there”. Also, websites has counters too — typically at the footer of the pages — this was to show how many people visited your website. It was a neat way to bring forth some personalization to a web experience. I miss those times. I also miss MySpace. Do you remember being able to customize your profile with colors, typography, and even music. Someone would visit your profile and you could control what they would listen to. I miss those times too. Instagram and Facebook — and most “new homes” on the web all look the same now. Things have become standardized. The web is homogenous. It sucks…

Anyways — I added a counter to my website, as you can probably see. Text me and let me know what you think or email me…, I mean,